
Teny iditra faha
Sokajin-teny tambinteny [fitanisana]
Fanazavàna teny malagasy Fony, tamin' ny andron' i...: Noenjehina ny Kristianina faha Ranavalona reniny [1.1]
Fanazavàna teny anglisy Prefix of past time. Before voyels, fah- only is used [1.2]
Fanazavàna teny frantsay Du temps de, à l'époque de, sous le règne de [1.3]
Tsotra : faha, fah
Ny ankehitriny : -paha, -pah

Teny iditra faha~
Sokajin-teny tovona [Teny amin' ny faha~]
Fanazavàna teny malagasy Tovona fampiasa eo alohan' ny teny milaza isa:
-- mba hanaovana mpamaritra milaza filaharana: Fahadimy, fahasivy ambin' ny folo;
-- mba hilazana isan-drefy: Fahatelo, hono, ny halalin' itỳ rano itỳ; / Lamba antsasa-pahadimy;
-- mba hilazana vanin' andro: Lasa tamin' ny Fahavalon' ny volana nankany Fianarantsoa izy [1.1]
Fanazavàna teny anglisy Prefix of past time. Before vowels fah- only is used. The following words will illustrate its use: fahagola, faharazana, fahavaratra, fahavelony, fahazaza, fahiny, fahireny, fahizay
A prefix to numerals, making them ordinal and (rarely) fractional. Before vowels fah- only is added. This prefix may be added to all except iray, one, for which number voalohany is employed; but when the iray occurs in compounds, eleven, twenty-one, etc., the fah- can be added; it is used however in speaking of the Prime Minister's chief aide-de-camp, who is fahirainy. [Cf. vaga, used in an exactly similar way in the Melanesian languages.
The commencement of all abstract nouns formed from the verb in maha-, as: fahalalana, from lala; fahendrena, from hendry; fahadiony, from dio, etc. [1.2]
 Prefix, when one was ..., at the time of, as: fahagòla (in olden times), fahazàza (when one was a child)
Prefix to numerals, as: fahatelo: third in order; and so with other numerals
Prefix to nouns; typically meaning a state of [1.7]
Fanazavàna teny frantsay Préfixe, du temps de... ex: fahagòla (anciennement), fahazàza (du temps où l'on était enfant)
Préfixe qui sert à former les adjectifs ordinaux, ex.: fahatelo: le troisième : et ainsi pour les autres numéros
Préfixe qui sert à former des substantifs abstraits [1.8]
Ohatra Ary faha 23, vonto ny alahamady [2.48]

Nohavaozina tamin' ny 2023/10/17